About Us

Jumaworkers connects Employers as well as Freelancers worldwide. Our platform specializes in matching freelancers to jobs such as graphic design, content writing, video editing, music production, coding tasks, copywriting, right through to language learning, sales and marketing.

How It Works

Here in Jumaworkers, you can be an Employer and/or a Freelancer.

As an Employer, you can offer jobs by creating campaigns and ran them to your preferred group of freelancers or selected freelancers from a specified chosen country.

Created campaigns are being processed by our designated personnel and then released to be open to freelancers. Employers have access to the development of their campaigns via our website.

As a Freelancer, you can earn money by working on projects available to you. You can complete tasks anytime and there is no limit to the number of jobs you can accept in a day.

Once you complete a task, it will then be reviewed by the Employers.